Successful livestock and property agency acquired by growing Australian agri-services, AWN

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AWN has announced the acquisition of the successful New South Wales Riverina agency, Wilks & McKean Livestock and Property.

AWN Chief Operating Officer, Rick Maybury, said the Wagga Wagga-based agency’s acquisition is an excellent cultural and strategic fit for the growing Australian agricultural services company.

“I am pleased to announce AWN’s acquisition of Wilks & McKean Livestock and Property. The business and its team are highly regarded in the region and their approach to growing their business by providing exceptional client services is an excellent cultural fit with ours at AWN.

“Wagga Wagga and the wider Riverina region is a strategically important location for AWN as we expand our footprint in key agricultural production areas across rural Australia.

As a pure-play rural services company, we are looking forward to continuing to invest in strategic expansion to support more clients across rural Australia

“The Australian Bureau of Agricultural Resource Economics and Sciences is forecasting agricultural export earnings to climb to a record $70.3 billion for the 2022-2023 financial year, which is almost 50 per cent more than it was ten years ago when adjusted for inflation. It is an incredible time to be in the agriculture sector. As a pure-play rural services company, we are looking forward to continuing to invest in strategic expansion to support more clients across rural Australia.”

The acquisition of Wilks & McKean is the latest in a series of expansion activities for the Australian-owned agribusiness, which in recent years has invested in expansion through acquisitions and the establishment of numerous greenfield sites in key production areas across rural Australia.


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