AWN supports charity helping families in need

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AWN, Australia’s largest independent wool broker, has thrown its support behind a charity that provides immediate support for rural families and children in crisis.

Wool buyers turned out in force to support the Michael Manion Wool Industry Foundation (MMWIF), which was established in 2015 in honour of a mate whose legacy lives on through its work.

AWN donated and auctioned a bale of 15.4-micron fleece wool to raise funds for MMWIF and, with many bidders having a personal connection to Michael, or ‘Legg’ as he was known, the bale was knocked down for 2450c/greasy by AWN Wool Technical Officer/Auctioneer Southern NSW Cassie Baile.

Ms Baile said there was very good competition from the opening bid, with buyers very supportive of the foundation and showing spirited bidding.

“The successful purchaser was Stuart Bailey from Techwool Trading, with all buyers very active in the room. The market has

been very good for this type of wool for the past four to five months, so the quality of the wool and the personal connection the

buyers have to the foundation ensured such a successful result,’’ she said.

AWN State Manager NSW/Queensland Mark Hedley said the company was very pleased to support the foundation, which had the ability to ‘cut through the red tape’.

“When people are in need, there is often a lot of paperwork before any help arrives, but with this foundation, they are able to offer help straight away whether it’s by paying rent or providing immediate cash for groceries,’’ he said.

“This is a big part of why we are very happy to be involved as they are making a real difference to families in need.’’

Michael Manion was one of the wool industry’s great personalities. His lifetime passion was the wool industry and everyone involved in it, and sadly, after 43 years as a wool buyer, he passed away at the age of 61 after a short battle with cancer. However, his colleagues and mates ensure his spirit lives on through the foundation.

Techwool Trading’s Stuart Bailey said he was very pleased to be able to support such a worthwhile foundation.

“Legg was a great bloke, and all the buyers are keen to support his legacy and the valuable work being done to help families in need,’’ he said.


MMWIF director Peter Brice was very appreciative of AWN’s actions to assist the charity.

“My sincere thanks to AWN for the very generous donation of this bale and, of course, to Cassie for a superb job in firing the buyers up to have a decent crack at the lot,’’ he said.

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