Colleagues pay special farewell tribute to Peter Hayman

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Being involved with a company ‘that’s having a real go and scoring runs’ has been ‘a pleasure and a privilege’ for Peter Hayman, South Australia’s wool marketing manager.

The first AWN employee in SA has retired after 16 years with a company he describes as having ‘a real passion for the agriculture industry’.

A retirement function, to honour Peter’s service, was held at Adelaide Oval in late April with John Colley,  Kelvin Shelley and Brendon Lunney, among others, travelling from far and wide to join with South Australia’s Rod Miller, Jared Phillips and Rob Williams to pay tribute to their well-respected colleague.

AWN’s SA state manager Rod Miller said it was an excellent night showcasing Peter’s contribution to the company and the industry.

“Marketing put together a slide show and it was very special for Pete’s first clients, Allen and Joy Kelly of ‘Glenholme’ Manoora, to be in attendance,’’ Rod said.

“Pete’s wife Lynn and sons Richard and David attended with both sons speaking to pay tribute to their father. John Colley presented Pete with an inscribed bronze ram while speeches were also made by myself and Rob Williams.’’

Peter recalls joining AWN.

“It’s been a wonderful trip. This company treats its staff with respect, allows autonomy and management listen to what you have to say,’’ he said.

Quietly spoken but fiercely passionate, Peter paid tribute to the incredible culture and people at AWN which he attributed to the company’s ability to retain staff.

“There has been so much respect for clients, the industry and me. In turn I have a mountain of respect for my colleagues.  I am very proud to have been involved with such a reputable company. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be part of this journey.’’

With customer service a priority, a succession plan has been in place for some time with Peter having been mentoring Jared Phillips at Jamestown for the past two years ensuring he learns from the best in the business.

Rod said there had been a very professional and courteous transition of clients with some also transferring to him and Rob Williams.

“Pete and I have had a lot of fun together. He has a great sense of humour. Early on we were connected by our client management ethos. We’ve worked together for 40 years, and it’s been great.’’

While looking forward to retirement, it doesn’t sound like the grass will be growing under Peter’s feet, with travel, home renovations and tree planting projects on the agenda.

“I will have plenty to keep me busy,’’ Peter said with a laugh.

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