Noel & Sandra Fowler


Rapanui is a 14,000 ha farm located in the North East of the shire of Williams Western Australia and adjacent to Dryandra national park and state forest. Aubrey Fowler & Company has been a family business established as a mixed grain, hay and merino sheep enterprise on the property since 1952.

Noel Fowler is a 3rd generation farmer following in the footsteps of his grandfather who first developed the property, Rapanui, in the 1920’s.

Noels grandfather Aubrey was a pioneer in the West Australian agriculture sector and skilfully utilised the help and resourcefulness of people of the time.

Father Jamie expanded and drove the Rapanui wool flock to where it is today.

Noel says he’s been working on the family farm since he ‘was old enough to reach the brake pedal’ on the ute.

There’s a lot of pride in being a wool grower. Pride in knowing this fibre could end up anywhere in the world, being enjoyed and worn for years.

Q. What does it mean to you to know who is wearing your wool?

A. It will be great to see our wool specifically, enjoyed and worn with pride, talked about and to become part of the wearers own story and personality.

Q. What would you like to say to the person wearing your wool?

A. Enjoy it, look after it and pass it on when you’re done. I also think it’s important to take a bit of time to talk to a farmer and listen to their story and hear of the passion they put into their life of farming. It’s more than just a job.