Everyone’s a Winner in Wool

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Kangaroo Island Football League

Win or lose the premiership. Everyone is a winner in wool, thanks to a partnership between Merino & Co and local sporting teams.

At this time of year in South Australia, the local conversations are about the prospects for the new season for both grazing and farming and, of course, the chances of one’s favoured football or netball team taking out the top title.

New recruits and old warhorses are discussed along with the prospects of again standing around the oval cheering them on or finding a spot in front of the clubhouse on a cold, wet and windy afternoon.

AWN’s South Australia Manager Rod Miller said several clubs across the state had picked up the opportunity to provide their faithful supporters with pure Merino wool ‘Only Merino’ scarves and beanies in their club colours.

“This is an initiative from Merino & Co, which provides the articles at wholesale prices to the sporting clubs as a fundraising opportunity whereby they can then sell them to their supporters,’’ he said.

“The luxurious pure Merino wool knitwear performs while providing warmth, but breathing as body temperatures rise during the match. The crisp colours look great and are far classier than any synthetic, cheaply-manufactured product from overseas.

“Local wool producers also like the fact they are promoting their own wool in regions where we draw greasy wool supplies through Direct Network Advantage (DNA) bale to retail programs.

“From the first regional DNA brand on Kangaroo Island (Wisanger Panthers and Dudley United Eagles), we are in discussions with clubs through recently launched DNA programs in the Limestone Coast, Flinders and outback regions and in our developing DNA Mallee Merino region with the Lameroo Hawks where we are a new club sponsor.’’

Mr Miller said increased enquiries had been received following an article in the Stock Journal featuring Kangaroo Island woolgrower and Wisanger supporter Steve Sampson.

“This local sporting club initiative supports clubs in wool-growing communities in one of the most critical social functions within the community. Win or lose the premiership. Everyone is a winner in wool.’’


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