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Land for Lease

"Forest Lane, " Markwood VIC

Peter Dargan 0436 474 250
  • AWN Area_Size Website property icon 2209 V1 400 acres

Two-year lease is available with the option of extension. Lease to commence from Saturday 1st April 2023

400 acres divided into eight paddocks with stockyards

For inspections, contact Peter Dargan 0436 474 250

Tenders in writing;
AWN Livestock, Unit 1/33 Baker Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677

Tender Closes;
4pm, Thursday 30th March 2023


Terms & Conditions
No timber is to be taken off the property
No more than 50 acres are to be cut for hay per annum
Property to be fully maintained by the Lessee (E.g. weed control, fencing maintained, damage repaired, and general maintenance)
Rates to be paid by the Lessor
Payment is to be quarterly and in advance
The lease is for two years with the option of continuing if agreed to by both parties
Highest tender not necessarily accepted
