Wool Marketing

Our national team of wool specialists work with our clients, providing personalised service to maximise returns for your wool growing business. We offer a variety of wool marketing solutions, including auction, forward contracts, direct to mill and specialty bale to retail programs, allowing us to tailor a wool marketing strategy that delivers the best results for each client.

Wool Buying

Our private wool buying team have extensive market knowledge, to help our clients maximise their returns. We buy all wool types including oddments, butts and bags and small as well as large clips. Our private wool buying sites offer door trading, on-farm pick-ups and direct consignment, to make trading wool privately more convenient.

Speciality Wool Marketing Programs

For growers who share our vision of connecting along the supply chain to the consumer, we specialise in wool marketing programs that take your wool from bale to retail. As well as offering industry programs such as Authentico and SustainaWOOL, we also offer ZQ and DNA Provenance, which are exclusive to AWN in Australia.

Sheep fine fleece;


ZQ is the world’s leading ethical wool brand, providing ethical and sustainable wool supply agreement contracts with world-class brands. AWN is the exclusive partner of the ZQ Merino programme in Australia.


DNA (Direct Network Advantage) Provenance is an exclusive program offered by AWN, allowing eligible producers to follow the journey of their wool, from bale-to-retail.


FAST,FREE & MOBILE! We recommend WoolClip as the fast, free and mobile way to complete your Specification and NWD online.

WoolClip AWN Home Page 2;

Wool Market Reports

We provide weekly reports from Australia’s three wool selling centres.


Get in touch with our wool specialists

Talk to one of our wool professionals for more information on our wool services, speciality programs or current market conditions.