A massive thank-you from CWA of NSW

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In June 2021, the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW received an offer from AWN to donate “some possum wool” to CWA’s Hospital Support Committee. This committee is responsible for distributing items to various causes, including knitted clothes for premature babies, beanies for cancer patients, Mother & Baby Bags for needy new mums, toiletries for women’s refuges, etc.

The offered possum wool was much more than expected – pallets of yarn and boxes of beautiful jumpers – more than we could accommodate at our State Office, where Covid-19 had prevented our volunteers from clearing a

year’s worth of previously donated items. State President, Stephanie Stanhope, couldn’t bear to turn out such an offer, so she arranged to take the delivery into her farm shed, newly built after the bushfires destroyed her Bega property.

Since then, after waiting for the Covid restrictions to ease, Stephanie has taken a carload of wool wherever she’s gone, visiting various branches around the state. She’s also picked

up the knitting needles herself and made a beautiful cap, winning second prize at the Candelo Show! The wool is very soft and fine, and some of our members are knitting with four

balls at a time. We hope to see evidence of their creative work in the future.

At their exhibit at the upcoming four-day State Conference, the Hospital Visiting Committee hopes to sell many of the commercially made jumpers to raise valuable funds.

This is just the beginning of the story, but the CWA of NSW would like to express their immense gratitude for the incredibly generous donation.

Article provided by CWA
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