KW & AMG Dawes, Farina Station

Farina Station north of Lyndhurst on the northern tip of the Flinders Ranges and edge of the Outback is a property steeped in Australian history.  It’s hard to imagine that this remote part of Australia first surveyed in 1878 was once a thriving township.  However due to a lack of reliable rainfall and underground water plus the harsh climate and vast distance back to Adelaide the township was eventually abandoned in 1965.

Despite these challenges Farina Station has been home to Kevin and Anne Dawes since 1982 where they have raised a family and enjoyed all the challenges, the variety and hardships that the region and climate has offered.

The sheep on Farina Station are well suited to the environment there’s no supplementary feeding, no jetting, no drenches, no diseases.  They graze the saltbush plains in peace and quiet living life in good health and the freedome to live as a sheep.

“We are a husband and wife team who love working with animals and with the land. Along with all the challenges and rewards that it brings not to mention the freedom to make your own decisions – it’s been a great life,” said Kevin.

Like many stations in the Flinders Outback region and in addition to wool growing, Farina Station also has a tourism operation offering historic tours, camping and accommodation and an opportunity to experience station life first hand.