
People & Culture

AWN Empowers Team Members and Communities with Mental Health Strategies

Farming can be a highly stressful occupation. Often portrayed as mentally tough and stoic, rural and remote communities are often ...

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Jacob hones skills as finalist in auctioneering competition

Keen Victorian livestock agent Jacob Brennan recently put his skills to the test as a finalist in the Australian Livestock ...

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Mental Health in Rural & Remote Australia

In recent months, several new pieces of legislation have been introduced that could be viewed as a clarion call to ...

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Young talent learning from the best with work placement at AWN

Sam Agar, an aspiring student looking for a future in the agriculture industry, has made the most of an opportunity ...

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Benefits of MHFA on RU OK? Day

AWN was recently invited by Stockland Group to talk about our Mental Health initiatives at a special RU OK? promotional ...

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Chatsworth House charity bale spreads #OK2SAYNO message

With wellbeing the core philosophy of Whinney’s business, it was only natural they would throw support behind the charity Sober ...

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Field days offering great opportunities to network

I can’t tell you how good it is to once again be out and about, meeting up with our staff ...

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Demand drives property prices to record levels

As Property prices continued to astound right across the country on the back of good commodity prices, increased demand, and ...

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Mental Health First Aid Australia AWN

Mental Health First Aid Australia recognises AWN with gold accreditation

In a given year, one in five Australians will experience mental illness, with people in rural and remote locations particularly ...

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Mental Health First Aid Australia Green Flower Star Logo

Tough times prompt mental health first aid strategy

Devastating bushfires, once-in-a-lifetime droughts, floods, trade wars and a global pandemic – 2020 has had it all, and it has ...

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