
Terry & Ros Howard

Nathan, Terry and Ros Howard grow over 5000 Merino sheep on Kangaroo Island, just off the
mainland of South Australia below Adelaide. The Howard family live in the town of Dudley and have
been farming for over 43 years. Terry and Ross have been married for 40 years and have five sons,
two work on the farm and are very involved and interested about taking over in the future when
Terry wants to retire.
“We love working on the land, we have heaps of dogs! Four sheep dogs and two kelpie pups in
training and Nathan has two great sheep dogs and pets. Fibre is fascinating, the range of use and
versatility. Sheep are interesting and I enjoy working with sheep. The way Kangaroo Island wool has
evolved has been extremely interesting and I find it challenging, exciting and great to be a part of. I
hope it evolves over many years and we hope to benefit from it for our sons if they continue on with
the farm. We would like them to be a part of Kangaroo island wool in the future.”
Q. What does it mean to you to know who is wearing your wool?
A. It makes me proud to have grown the fibre which has finished up in a garment that someone
wants to buy.
Q. What would you like to say to the person wearing your wool?
A. Thank you! Buy another one! Congratulate them, and may they get many years from their
purchase because of the quality of the fibre.